Thursday, October 18, 2007


"I heard a thousand blended notes while in a grove I sat reclined In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts bring sad thoughts to the mind. -Wordsworth"


Today I offer little, that’s again par for the course. I might bring myself to updating this thing more frequently now. I do fiddle with these amazing blog posts daily, but never find that they are good enough. Surely if I am not entertained you lot would never be, right!? Who knows…? The world is a confusing place. I think I have a life element figured out, and then I get a man named reality, now at first glance reality is not a big man, he is just a fairly unassuming amicable fellow. Then you notice that he is inching up on you, just a little. Every time you look up from your computer, your book, your television, there he is being unassuming, but doing it closer. Then you look up again, and he is peering over the top of your book/computer/television at you and saying something. You can’t quite hear it, but now you are interested… so you inch closer. He smiles, and kicks you right in the junk, laughing as he walks away.

Life can be a real ball buster sometimes… jerk.

On with the story,

And from the flames as chance would have it, I have returned home. A drive so uneventful it’s not even worth commenting on in great detail. New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida. I think Mobile Alabama was the funfest of the lot because it had a tunnel, a short one.

How dull.

Get something fun you states. I almost passed out at the wheel, if it weren’t for the horrible vision blocking rainstorms that hit from Shreveport and on all the way to home I might have. The downright epic eye watering sulfur smell crossing the Mississippi river didn’t help either. Or truckers being complete and utter douche-holes and cutting me off.

Hour upon hour of Hendrie made it all ok… Thanks to Andrea for that.

Here I am, sleeping on the floor and enjoying my home. It’s full of food, music and my garbage. But damn it all, it’s mine and I’ll do what I like with it.



Next is a summary of my visit to Southern California and crashing the Hills of Chino.

1 comment:

tikilights said...

Sweet feathery Jesus in a car-seat you made it home. :)